Child Havens: A Spirited Place

A spirited place satisfies children’s souls. It possesses a wholeness that makes the heart sing, the soul rejoice, the body feel safe and at rest. It is the spirit of a place that makes it memorable, that expands our sense of possibility and puts us in touch with what is most loving, creative and human about ourselves.

Anita Olds

Workshop Listings

Child Havens- Creating Intentional Environments that Promote Positive Interactions, Open Communication and Respect for All Children
A Starting Small Project

Description: This hands-on workshop will explore ways to arrange your physical space and the materials needed to promote communication and collaboration among children. Young children are capable of solving conflicts when they are given the tools they need. We will discuss the elements of creating intentional spaces, what materials are needed to promote communication and how to arrange the centers in your room to promote respect for all children.

Please contact for more information or to schedule a workshop.

Creating a Teaching Tolerance Tool Box- Coming soon

Toy Smarts, Not Smart Toys- Coming Soon