Child Havens: A Spirited Place

A spirited place satisfies children’s souls. It possesses a wholeness that makes the heart sing, the soul rejoice, the body feel safe and at rest. It is the spirit of a place that makes it memorable, that expands our sense of possibility and puts us in touch with what is most loving, creative and human about ourselves.

Anita Olds

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Website Updated with lots of information

Website is updated:

Would you like us to present at your school, church or community group?

Our workshops thus far:

Tools for Teaching Tolerance--Activity-based Discussion Centers. The workshop rotates through 4 self guided “centers”, Self Development, Wrappers, Skin Tone and Resources. Each center focuses on ways to develop a culture of tolerance. Members of a Starting Small Project help facilitate discussion and answer any questions as the students work for 15-20 minutes, playing with the materials and then moving onto the next center. The students then have specific guided questions to answer.

Putting Together a Teaching Tolerance Tool Kit for Your School, Classroom, or Community Group
Coming soon...

Child Havens: Creating Intentional Environments that Promote Positive Interactions, Open Communication and Respect for all Children

This workshop will explore ways to arrange your physical space and the materials needed to promote communication and collaboration among children. We will discuss the elements of creating intentional spaces and room arrangement.

Together We Can Create Communities of Support, Respect and Acceptance

Communities are essential resources for young children and their families. The schools in which children attend, the churches and synagogues where they worship can help to give the children a sense of identity, and of belonging. Today, we will explore the ways we can help the families in our community feel supported, respected and accepted.

Please contact Karen A Taverna for more information

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